Experience a warm and welcoming atmosphere at Pendleton Family Dentistry. We treat you like family and are dedicated to improving your overall well-being and quality of life by enhancing your smile. Consult with our expert dentist to ensure the health of your teeth and gums. We are committed to maintaining your oral health and creating a smile that lasts a lifetime.
Our team understands that our patients' health is of the utmost priority, and we take pride in providing high-quality dental care to help them nurture healthy teeth and gums. Our comprehensive professional procedures are designed to cater to patients of all ages, ensuring that all receive the best dental care.
We believe that convenience is critical, which is why we offer a range of cosmetic dentistry services to fit the unique needs of our patients. From routine teeth cleaning to complex procedures like dental crowns and dentures, we are equipped to handle all oral health needs. We accept most major insurance plans, and our friendly staff is always available to help patients navigate the insurance process.